Event : Rose Chan 18
th Birthday
Date : 26
th Novmeber 2010
Venue : Papa john restaurant,
Sunway Pyramid
Time : 7pm - 8.30pm
I reached there around 7 something with my friends. The present showing on the above picture is bought by the fans club for Rose Chan 18
th birthday. After a while Rose Chan arrives, she is nice, pretty and taking picture with all the fans coming. Since
I'm going to redeem my entry pass for the peter pan musical, so i miss the chance to take a photo with Rose Chan. However, my friend are able to take photo with her.

She just stay for a while and cut the birthday cake. We are having free dinner provided by papa john which include free flow of pizza, free flow of potato, free flow of orange juice and a piece of Rose Chan birthday cake. We eat a lots and very full at the end. The celebration and dinner finish around 8.30pm, we all full and thanks for papa john for so generous free flow pizza dinner.

We received a goodies bag which is all Rose Chan merchandise which include calender, tags and so on.

Hope to join more this type of event again since we really enjoy so much. ^_^
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