Friday, February 7, 2020

Sunway Putra Hotel KL Charity Lunch With Rumah Charis Home for The Children

Sunway Putra Hotel, Kuala Lumpur has invited the children from Rumah Charis Home for a charity lunch in conjunction with the Chinese New Year festivities.Rumah Charis is a non-profit organization which was founded in 1988 by Mr. TeoHow Ken as a home to serve the old and the aged. Since its inception, they have expanded to include the children and the youth.

The home is a sanctuary for orphans and children from the ages of 4 to 17. While the home is not an orphanage, it is a refuge for children who fall under one of these five categories: victims of domestic abuse, criminal parents, drug addict parents, children of single parents afflicted by poverty, and children of single parents with mental illnesses. Due to this, the parents are often unable or lack the knowledge to properly care for these children.

According to Mr. Andrew Lim of Rumah Charis, “Some of the kids who came to the home received no toilet training due to their parents’ lack of knowledge in childcare. Most of the children are sent to us because the parents are simply not capable of raising them. The parents are encouraged to come visit every few months but most only come every 2 to 3 years. Due to this neglect, many of the kids have mild depression and other forms of mental illnesses from not getting the parental love that all children deserve.”

The home aims to provide more than just a shelter for these children; it hopes to help them continue their education, provide counselling and encouragement for those who are emotionally hurt, reconcile the children with their parents, and ultimately to cultivate good values in the children so that they will be good citizens and leaders for the nation.

“This place is full of miracles,” said Mr Andrew. With the support of sponsors and volunteers, the home has continued to be a sanctuary for the 46 children who live there. In this new year, Rumah Charis hopes to be able to purchase the land next door in order to build a multipurpose building to further improve the lives of these children. The plan is for the building to include home-schooling facilities which will help the kids graduate faster as well as support children with learning challenges. They also plan to include a multipurpose hall for events and activities, as well as an area for sports to encourage the children to stay active and pursue their interest in sports such as basketball and badminton. The home hopes that with support and funding from the generous public, this dream can become a reality in the near future.

In line with the hotel’s efforts to support Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2: Zero Hunger, we are working closely with Rumah Charis to create a meaningful and memorable festive season for the wonderful kids from the children’s home. This hosted luncheon is part of the hotel’s initiatives to help achieve for a sustainable society, environment, and economy.

Sunway Putra Hotel continues to align its business, operating strategies and corporate culture with sustainable practices and solutions in line with the SDG agenda. We are fully committed and have adopted SDG2 that focuses on Zero Hunger and SDG12 on Responsible Consumption and Production; fostering a better future for the communities in which Sunway builds, serves and lives.

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