Few days ago, i am attending a sushi chat organized by Sushi King at Sushi King Sunway Pyramid. This is the first time they organize a chats sessions to interact with the customers. They are willing to listen the any feedback and comments from the public. It was a good platform for the top management to communicate with the customers and understand our need. I am one of fans of sushi king. After registration, the event start at around 11am with the speech from Sushi King Managing Director Mr. Akihiko Hijioka and Sushi King Executive Director Ms. Lau Hui Ching. Mr. Akihiko Hijioka is a very polite and nice person maybe he is a Japanese. We enjoy talk to him.

Mr. Akihiko Hijioka
They give us some introduction regarding the A&P teams and also some brief history regarding sushi king. Sushi King already in Malaysia since 1995 and now there are 65 outlets over the whole Malaysia. There are 8 outlets in east Malaysia right now. They are continue expanding in the future. They are showing the Sushi king video after the speech. What make Sushi competitive as they have a wider area coverage of location and the quality of their food. The video showing how their process the food and also tell the customer they have already nearly 100,000 fans in the
facebook fans page. Sushi King just launch their
official website not long ago.
We are having a good chat and discussion session after the video. We talk about the company branding, the food and the service quality. We are given chance to voice out any good or bad comments, opinions and recommendation. They need to understand their customers in order to improve in the future.
Sushi King are showing us their kitchen after the discussion. We need to wear a hat for cleanliness to go inside the kitchen. The is the first time i visit Sushi King kitchen and see how their prepare the sushi. Thanks to Sushi King to allowing us to see the kitchen in transparent and a good explanation provided by a girl from their team. I spotted big salmon fish that is imported from Norway show at the picture below:

Fresh Salmon Fish!
The mix rice machine located in one of the corner at Sushi King is actually cost 1 of the Kancil car. The rice must be cooked first before put in to the mix rice machine, then only it become a sushi rice that ready to make any sushi to serve to the customers.

A big rice mixer
We are explore to few divisions of the kitchen include the beverage drink division, frying division and etc. They are few trainees and chefs are preparing the dishes in the kitchen. Their kitchen is just so tidy and clean. Good job for them.

Sushi King Kitchen
After the kitchen tour, we go back our table to enjoy our lunch. I am surprise that it is a lot of foods being prepared for us and all of them is a new summer items which is not in the menu yet. We being served of many ala carte sushs and set. Sushi King have a different methods recently to ask the customers to become a test panel before they introduce the new item. Normally the top management people are the test panel, but they doing different way this time. We need to grade the food in four categories : Taste, Presentation, Attractiveness and Creativity. Here is the whole table of sushi we are going to test.

Yummy Yummy Sushi ^_^

Unagi Nigiri (3 pcs) RM6.00

Soft Shell Crab Flower Roll RM5.00

Season's Bento RM15.90

Tako Ten RM6.90

Hamaguri Creamy Udon RM16.90

Salmon Fry RM9.90

Soft Shell Crab Kakiage Udon RM13.90

Unagi Chawanmushi RM5.00
I personally prefer the Hamaguri Creamy Udon and Soft Shell Crab Flower Roll. All the food look nice and taste awesome. Sushi King really did a good job in preparing their food. I am full enough to eat all the dishes serving and I am happy to attend any food test panel for Sushi King in the future.
The Sushi King chief said that he can teach us to make sushi after the lunch. I am joining to make my own sushi. I washed my hand and wear the hats before go inside the middle to learn to make the sushi. I found the challenge part while making the sushi is the rolling part and i just can't make my sushi roll nicely at the bottom. However i eat the sushi i made my own and the taste is just different since it is made by me. Here is the photo we learning to make sushi from Sr Chef Jun Sato.

The time past so fast and it is already end of the event after we finish our lunch. I submit the form to them and all of the attendees are given a goodies bag before leaving. I really enjoy the Sushi Chat so much and i hope to join more sushi chat in the future.

Here is the goodies i received form the event:
Sushi King recycle bag x 1
Sushi King folder x 1
Sushi King notebook x 1
Sushi King cash voucher (RM10) x 2
Sushi King spoon & chopsticks set x 1
Thanks Sushi King for this great event!