I have received an OrganicAid Vitamin E Moisturizing Cream from YuberActive sent to my house last two week. Thanks YuberActive and the product is received in a good conditions. I just can’t wait to tried out this new product!

I have using and testing this product for about 2 weeks. Since it is a moisturizing cream, I feel creamy when I first put on my face. However, it is absorbed quickly to my skin after few minutes. This is happened due to the high moisture level in the cream. OrganicAid Vitamin E Moisturizing Cream is a gentle cream that contains natural Vitamin E to promote and maintain a healthy, radiant complexion. It provides fastest results in treating skin ageing and providing the right moisture balance to my skin.

After using the cream for about 2 week, I feel that it really keeps my skin moisture whole day long even I am explore to the sun or wind in the afternoon. My skin type is dehydrated previously, OrganicAid Vitamin E Moisturizing Cream have soothed and refreshed my dry skin with high moisture level now.By increasing the moisture level of my skin, I realize that it helps to reduce my fine line on my face as well. My skin looks smoother after using OrganicAid Vitamin E Moisturizing Cream. I am surprise that my skin texture being improved where my skin tone looks much healthier and balance compare to last time. One plus point to the product is the cream without chemical since it is Organic.
I really need a skin care product that can keep my skin moisture all day long to prevent more skin and ageing problem. Finally I found a product which is suitable for me. That is OrganicAid Vitamin E Moisturizing Cream. I am highly recommended all of my readers to try out this product!