Sunday, November 29, 2020

Teeth Whitening Using Magical Charcoal Powder Whitekish

Some of you may have problem that the teeth look yellowish or dark even though you have brushing your teeth every day. It may due to smoking, drinking coffee, genetic or any other reasons. This will seriously affect your confident when you want to talk or smile in front of people. 

I'm introducing a teeth whitening product WHITEKISH Magic Charcoal that are worth for you to try it out in order to have more confident to show your teeth when smiling. WHITEKISH Magic Charcoal is made in Malaysia which contains 100% natural ingredients, namely activated charcoal from coconut shell. It does not contain corrosive substances (peroxides) and It is approved by the Minister of Health Malaysia. 

WHITEKISH Magic Charcoal helps to absorb all the "Food Chemicals" and killing bacteria that causes bad breath as it neutralises the pH of the mouth. It also effectively removes the plague or tartar build up.  

The benefits of using WHITEKISH Magic Charcoal include: 
  • Teeth whitening 
  • Kill the bacteria that cause bad breath 
  • Help remove tooth decay 
  • Neutralize the pH in the mouth 
  • Non-corrosive (peroxide) 
  • Effectiveness can be seen as early as 1 week (with proper usage) 

The WHITEKISH Magic Charcoal set comes with the Magic Charcoal and a unique microfiber toothbrush. The WHITEKISH Magic Charcoal packaging is very nice with the crown cover on it. The toothbrush is made from very fine and soft bristles that ensure a comfortable brush experience. I need to open the cover slowly and carefully so the charcoal powder does not get pour out and wasted. I like the toothbrush which is really soft and easy to brush. 

When you start using the product, it is recommended to use twice a day for the first week. For week 2 onwards, you may use twice a week to maintain the teeth whitening. It is simple to use, just need to dip the attached microfiber toothbrush lightly into the charcoal powder. Then just brush the teeth as usual. After finish brush, just split out the black liquid and raise with water. 

I have tried out the WHITEKISH Magic Charcoal for around a week and I really satisfied with the result. You may see my testimonial of my before and after photo below after using it. I observe that my teeth did look brighter and whiter after using this product constantly for a week. The price for WHITEKISH Magic Charcoal is reasonable and affordable with RM89.90 (WM) and RM99.90(EM). 

If you wish to purchase, you may visit WHITEKISH website, like WHITEKISH facebook or Call/ SMS/ WhatsApp +6017-889 8878.

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